

Magazine: Muse ( Fall 10)
Model: Liu Wen


Oh so pretty...

Сар гаруйн өмнө алдарт " West Side Story" мюзикал-г үзэв. Ромео & Жулиетта-г 1950-аад оны New York хотын латин америк цагаачдаар төлөөлүүлэн найруулжээ. "I feel pretty" хэмээх алдарт дуу уг мюзикал-с төрөн гарсан юм байна.


Tilda Swinton
Magazine: Another



Photographer: Peter Lindbergh
Magazine: Vogue China (Sept 10)
Models: Tao Okamoto, Liu Wen, Ming Xi, Shu Pei, Fei Fei Sun


Model: Iris Strubegger
Photographer: Peter Lindbergh
Magazine: Numero

Black & White

Photographer: Peter Lindbergh




Lou Doillon in Vanessa Bruno

Dream a little dream

Model: Karlie Kloss
Photographer: Tim Walker
Magazine: Vogue UK ( Oct 10)



Bjork in Another Magazine Fall/Winter 2010

From "Dancer in the dark"

( And the best actress Oscar went to someone else and people made fun of her "swan" dress. Sometimes dress is just a dress, nothing else...)


Оросын дизайнер Вика Газинская 60 -аад оныг санагдуулам рэтрo стил, эмээ алчуур, авангард үс, минималист загвараараа фэйшн ертөнцийг шуугиулж байна. Love!

Farewell fragile heart...

Why do people have to be this lonely? What's the point of it all? Millions of people in this world, all of them yearning, looking to others to satisfy them, yet isolating themselves. Why? Was the earth put here just to nourish human loneliness.

( from Murakami Haruki's "Sputnik Sweetheart")

And once the storm is over you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm's all about.

( from Murakami Haruki's "Kafka On the Shore" )

Daul Kim 1989-2009.